Nothing Is a Problem Here
KünstlerplattformArtistic platform founded by the poet Ondřej Macl and the performing philosopher Anna Luňáková in 2018 in Prague. Inspired by long tradition of cabarets, happenings or rituals, the members are focused on the researching of “new relations instead of new works”. They performed in several theatre festivals in France, Portugal or Morocco.

Ondřej Macl (*1989) is a writer and performer based in Prague. His experimental book Miluji svou babičku víc než mladé dívky (“I Love My Granny More Than Young Women”) won the Jiří Orten Award 2018 organised by the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers. Afterwards he published a poetry collection K čemu jste na světě (“What you were born for”) and a novel Výprava na ohňostroj (“The Fireworks Expedition”). He is also interested in erotic love, art criticism or social work.
Anna Luňáková (*1993) is a beautiful, wisdom and animal-friendly scholar based in our living room reading Didier Eribon, eating the cookies and waiting for the end.
Anna and Ondřej participated in the public programme of the collective book project love & politics in Athens: #4 poetics & politics (part 1) with an open discussion: Make Love Not Art.